“Life is a theatre set in which there are but few practicable entrances.”
Victor Hugo
Public Space
Discover the Theatre and Open up to the World !
Prepare your arrival at the Festival !
Meet young actors !
Develop your teaching project around the Festival !
* discovering the world of the theater (the history, architecture, vocabulary, customs and superstitions)
* study of the geography, language and culture of the countries and regions represented at the Festival.
* work on the writing and the literature of drama.
* emphasis on words and writing.
* study of costumes and fashion in general.
creating a play in class subject to it being selected for the Festival
deadline to apply : 9 January 2013
Auditions for troupes from the Midi-Pyrénées region) : 16 & 17 March 2013
the families of the pupils in the class provide accomodation for the young actors.
+ exchange of correspondence (with the families) from the Spring
+ free entry one afternoon to the Festival for the whole class
+ passport for free entry to all the performances for the host families
to see one or several plays
+ teaching files
+ meeting the actors after the performance
preferential tarifs for groups and school children